Rutas de autobús de Charlotte, NC a Santa Bárbara, CA
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Paradas de autobús en Charlotte, NC
Charlotte Bus Station
Charlotte (Uptown)
419 E 7th St
28202 Charlotte, NC
Estados Unidos
28202 Charlotte, NC
Estados Unidos
Ver esta dirección en Google Maps
Bus will stop in parking lot on E. 7th Street between N. Caldwell St. and N. Brevard St., across the street from the 7th Restaurant and Lounge.
Charlotte (Freedom Dr/Ashley Rd)
3301 Freedom Dr
28208 Charlotte, NC
Estados Unidos
28208 Charlotte, NC
Estados Unidos
Ver esta dirección en Google Maps
Bus will board from the Panda Bus stop on Freedom Dr. Bus boards from the Ashley Rd side of the shopping center parking lot.
Pago en línea
Si |
2190 miles |
Conexión directa
Si |
Descubre más conexiones populares
- Charlotte, NC - Atlanta, GA
- Atlanta, GA - Charlotte, NC
- Washington D. C., - Charlotte, NC
- Nueva York, NY - Charlotte, NC
- Charlotte, NC - Nueva York, NY
- Charlotte, NC - Washington D. C.,
- Columbia, SC - Charlotte, NC
- Charlotte, NC - Raleigh, NC
- Raleigh, NC - Charlotte, NC
- Charlotte, NC - Columbia, SC
- Charlotte, NC - Asheville, NC
- Charlotte, NC - Winston-Salem, NC
- Asheville, NC - Charlotte, NC
- Charlotte, NC - Dayton, OH
- Fayetteville, NC - Charlotte, NC
- Wilmington, NC - Charlotte, NC
- Winston-Salem, NC - Charlotte, NC
- Charlotte, NC - Wilmington, NC
- North Charleston, SC - Charlotte, NC
- Charlotte, NC - Fayetteville, NC
- Santa Bárbara, CA - Los Ángeles, CA
- Los Ángeles, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Santa Bárbara, CA - San José, CA
- San José, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA
- San Diego, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Santa Bárbara, CA - San Diego, CA
- Santa Bárbara, CA - San Francisco, CA
- San Francisco, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Los Angeles, CA (Aeropuerto Internacional) - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Santa Bárbara, CA - Los Angeles, CA (Aeropuerto Internacional)
- Santa María, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Santa Bárbara, CA - Oakland / Berkeley / East Bay, CA
- Santa Bárbara, CA - Oxnard-Ventura, CA
- Oakland / Berkeley / East Bay, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Salinas, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Orange County-Anaheim-Santa Ana, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Fillmore, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Bakersfield, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Houston, TX - Santa Bárbara, CA
- Santa Bárbara, CA - Santa María, CA
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